Renewable Energy

Onshore Wind Park

Project overview

An onshore wind park project involves the planning, design, construction, and operation of a wind park on land. The project typically involves a team of engineers, project managers, and contractors who work together to ensure that the wind turbines are installed safely and efficiently, and that the wind park is connected to the power grid. The ultimate goal of the project is to produce renewable energy from the wind turbines to power homes and businesses in the surrounding area.

Roles and techniques

Project Manager Electrical Engineer Civil Engineer Mechanical Engineer Construction Manager Site Analysis and Selection Electrical Infrastructure Wind Resource Assessment Turbine Procurement Turbine Installation Infrastructure Construction Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


Your new job as Mechanical Engineer

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As a mechanical engineer on an onshore wind park project, your main responsibilities would include designing, testing, and maintaining the mechanical components of the wind turbines, such as gearboxes, generators, and blades. You would also work closely with other engineers and project managers to ensure that the mechanical systems integrate seamlessly with the overall design of the wind park. Additionally, you would be responsible for ensuring that all mechanical components meet safety standards and regulations, and that they are installed and maintained properly throughout the life of the project.

Location & travelling

  • Region Arnhem
  • Free Parking available
  • 3 minutes from bus stop
  • 12 minutes from Arnhem central station

  • Travelling during the Job (average):
    • Weekly 60 km to wind park location
    • Monthly 2 days to Germany
    • Yearly 1 week San Francisco


Meet your team

Meet your team

(see full Interactice Chart only on desktop)


Frequently used skills by team:

Project Management Reporting Wind Turbine Design Fluid Mechanics Technical Calculations Electrical Systems System Design Electrical DesignProblem-Solving Leadership Task Delegation Analytical Team Player Communication CreativityAutoCAD MATLAB SimulinkDutch English

Your skills

Skills you will bring:

Wind Turbine Design

Fluid Mechanics


Team Player


Materials Knowledge

Team Management

Cost Analysis

Skills you learn

Skills you will improve:

Wind Turbine Design

Fluid Mechanics


Team Player


Materials Knowledge

Team Management

Cost Analysis

Basic Novice Intermediate Advanced Expert
Basic Novice Intermediate Advanced Expert
Your current Skills

Skills that you master:
Wind Turbine Design
Team Player
Fluid Mechanics
Cost Analysis
Materials Knowledge
Team Management
Skills you will learn

Skills you will improve:
Wind Turbine Design
Team Player
Fluid Mechanics
Cost Analysis
Materials Knowledge
Team Management


Let's meet each other soon

All about your new job

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Want to see open vacancies? Join Skilleon today.

You make the choice to meet us and you decide if our project and team matches with your ambitions. Let us tell you more about the job we offer you!

Your ambitions matter

As a company, we understand the importance of attracting and retaining top talent like yourself, and we strive to create an environment that supports your professional development and growth. We offer a variety of training and development opportunities to help you expand your skillset and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices in the field. In addition, our company culture is focused on collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, providing you with a stimulating and rewarding work environment.


The impact of your job

Your impact is significant! Your expertise in mechanical systems, design, and optimization will help ensure that the wind turbines are constructed safely, efficiently, and effectively. You play a crucial role in ensuring that the wind park meets its energy production goals while also minimizing costs. Additionally, your contributions help ensure that the wind park operates reliably and efficiently over its lifetime.

Your reward & promotion

As a mechanical engineer, you can expect to earn a salary range of approximately €44,000 to €49,000 per year. With experience and demonstrated expertise, you could progress to roles with higher responsibilities and higher salaries (an increase of 5-10% within two years), such as a senior mechanical engineer or a project manager. Your career path could lead to opportunities for international assignments, specialized training, and professional development.


You have success when...

... the wind turbines are designed and installed to function optimally.

... you are able to effectively troubleshoot and resolve any mechanical issues that arise.

... you maintained good communication and collaboration with other members of the project team.

... but most importantly, when you had a great day and are satisfied with your delivered work.




Onshore Wind Park

Project information

The development of an onshore wind park is a complex project that requires the collaboration of multiple professionals and companies. The size and complexity of the project are significant and require careful planning and execution to ensure its success. To achieve this, a variety of specialized equipment and techniques are employed throughout the project's various phases.

Project size

Onshore wind park projects can vary greatly in size and cost depending on the number and size of the turbines, the location, and other factors. The cost can range from a few million euros for a small wind park with a handful of turbines, to hundreds of millions or even billions of euros for a large-scale project with hundreds of turbines.

Factors that can affect the cost include the cost of materials, construction, installation, transportation, and maintenance, as well as regulatory and permitting costs. The size and complexity of the project will also impact the number of professionals and companies involved and the length of time required to complete the project.

Professionals and companies

For an onshore wind park project, there are typically numerous professionals and companies involved at various stages of the project. The exact number can vary depending on the size of the project, but generally, it can involve several hundred people and dozens of companies.

In the early stages, the project may involve a small team of developers, engineers, and project managers to conduct feasibility studies and assess the site's potential. As the project progresses into the planning and design phase, the team may grow to include more engineers, construction managers, and environmental specialists. Contractors, subcontractors, and equipment suppliers are also brought in during the construction phase, where the number of professionals can increase significantly. Finally, during the commissioning and operational phases, maintenance crews and operators may be employed to keep the wind turbines running smoothly.

The companies involved in the project can range from local contractors and suppliers to large international corporations. These may include turbine manufacturers, engineering firms, construction companies, logistics providers, and energy utilities. The number of companies involved can also vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, with larger projects typically involving more companies. Overall, an onshore wind park project can be a collaborative effort involving a diverse range of professionals and companies from different industries and locations.


Used equipment

In order to efficiently harness the power of wind, a variety of specialized equipment is required for an onshore wind park project. These machines and tools are essential to constructing, operating, and maintaining the wind turbines, as well as other necessary infrastructure.


Wind turbines

This is the primary equipment used in a wind park project. It includes the tower, blades, nacelle, and other components required for generating electricity from wind energy.


Large cranes are used to install the wind turbine components at height. These cranes come in various sizes and capacities depending on the size and weight of the components being installed.

Concrete mixers and pumps

Concrete mixers and pumps are used to create the foundation for the wind turbine tower. The foundation must be strong enough to support the weight of the tower and the blades even in high winds.

Electrical transformers

Electrical transformers are used to convert the electricity generated by the wind turbines from low voltage to high voltage for transmission through power lines.

Maintenance vehicles

Maintenance vehicles such as trucks, SUVs, and ATVs are used to access the wind turbines and their components for regular maintenance and repairs.

Met masts

Meteorological masts or met masts are used to collect data about wind speed, direction, temperature, and other environmental factors that impact wind energy production. This data helps in selecting the right location for the wind turbines and optimizing their performance.


Onshore Wind Park

Project timeline

Phase 1

Initiative & feasibility

The initial stage where the idea for the wind park is developed and a feasibility study is conducted to determine its viability.

Phase 1
Phase 2

Design & planning

The phase where detailed design plans are created and environmental studies are conducted to ensure compliance with regulations and stakeholder requirements.

Phase 2
Phase 3

Engineering & tendering

The stage where engineering plans are developed and tenders are released to select contractors for the construction phase.

Phase 3
Phase 4


The physical construction of the wind park, including foundation and tower installation, turbine assembly, and grid connection.

Phase 4
Phase 5


The stage where the wind turbines are tested and commissioned to ensure they are operational and meeting performance requirements.

Phase 5
Phase 6

Operations & maintenance

The ongoing phase where the wind park is managed and maintained to ensure continued operation and performance.

Phase 6


Company roles


The government plays a key role in the onshore wind park project. They are responsible for establishing regulations and policies related to the development of renewable energy projects, issuing permits and licenses, and ensuring compliance with environmental standards. In some cases, the government may also provide financial support to the project.


The client is typically a utility or energy company that will purchase the electricity generated by the onshore wind park. The client works with the consultant to develop project specifications, evaluates bids from contractors, and oversees the overall progress of the project.


The consultant is a third-party firm that provides technical expertise and guidance to the client throughout the project. The consultant may help with the design and planning phase, assist with the selection of contractors and suppliers, and monitor project progress to ensure compliance with project specifications.


The contractor is responsible for the physical construction of the onshore wind park. This may involve site preparation, installation of turbines and other equipment, construction of access roads and other infrastructure, and electrical and mechanical work. The contractor works closely with the client and the consultant to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.


The supplier provides the equipment necessary for the construction and operation of the onshore wind park. This may include turbines, blades, transformers, and other components. The supplier may also provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the wind park operates efficiently over its lifespan.


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